The Carcass of Hope |
The Carcass of Hope (2023)
by Zherbus
Levels 3–4
Hello, and
welcome to part TWO of **THE RECONQUISTA**, wherein entries of the scandalous No Artpunk Contest II (banned on Reddit but the top seller in
the artpunk category on itch.io) are subjected to RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT. As
previously, the contest focuses on excellence in old-school gaming: creativity,
craft, and table utility. It also returns to the original old school movement
in that it assumes good practices can be learned, practiced and mastered; and
there are, in fact, good and bad ways of playing. Like last year, these reviews
will assume the participants have achieved a basic level competence, and are
striving to go forward from that point. One adventure, No Art Punks by
Peter Mullen, shall be excluded since Peter is contributing cover and interior
art for my various publications. With that said and solemnly declared, Deus
Vult! Let Destiny prevail!
* * *
Over the last decade,
old-school publications have increasingly focused on non-standard settings and
off-the-wall ideas. Getting away from the bland sort of high fantasy was a
motivation, “Weird fantasy”, once a distinguishing characteristic, is now just
the baseline. When non-standard is the standard, the old standard becomes
non-standard again. This is what we see in this adventure: an AD&D scenario
that exemplifies how post-Gygaxian AD&D looked like for most of its
existence. The crypt of a noble family, a feudalism-light setting, an evil
artefact, and a slightly gothic “monster movie” feel that would not feel out of
place in Ravenloft set the tone. Encounter design, monsters and magic are drawn
from the AD&D palette. It is familiar, even comfortable. However, the real
distinction lies not between strange and familiar, but well-made and poorly made.
In fact, a lot of high-concept releases are really bad. Also, a lot of vanilla
releases are really bad. We must look elsewhere.
The Carcass
of Hope offers a local mini-environment arranged
around a central mystery – not quite mini-sandbox, but more than a simple,
straightforward “beginning to end” module. The downfall of a local noble
family, a ruined village, and the large family crypt are supplemented with two
mini-dungeons, and a sketched-out description of a village home base (although
it feels more like a small town). There is a lot to the module: the central
dungeon offers 46 keyed areas, and with the supplemental material, its
potential grows further. It is also a scenario which can accommodate different
plot hooks and player approaches – although the curse of the Mirthmane family
and the enchanted mirror serving as the module’s centrepiece shall focus this somewhat.
The main
adventure site, the crypt is arranged around two looping, symmetrical corridors
branching off into crypt areas, secret rooms, and cave sections where nature
and invading monsters (both scavengers and more organised types) have started
to claim the undead-dominated crypts. There is a layer of bog-standard crypt
exploration here, with sarcophagus/coffin stocking charts that are too much on
the mundane side – “a dagger, bejewelled with rubies worth 250 gp”, “silver earrings
worth 30 gp”, a magic sroll, that sort of thing. It is nothing to get excited
about, but it does get more varied and flavourful. There is a consistent theme
of the Mirthmanes’ lavish spending on the resting places of their hunting dogs,
a touch nicely establishing the theme of rich feudal assholes. There are signs
of family tragedies. The crypts of the notable family members have individual
touches as well, never completely unexpected, but playing well with gothic
clichés – a screaming ghost, a pressure plate trap, or a flooding room. These are
not the most complicated setpiece encounters, but they should make the players
to stop and think a little before proceeding with their course of action.
Details of environmental degradation are woven into both descriptions and game
Muh Loops |
The encounter
types offer good variety as well, with a particular emphasis on magical and
mundane traps. This is a common way to spice up crypts, and here, they are
generally well executed. The adventure makes good use of AD&D mainstays like
continual darkness, magical alarms that can be disabled, and other ways of
controlling or blocking access. Trap/puzzle combinations are good as well; for
example, a statue holding a spear that turns out to be a detachable magic item,
but one protected by a trap spewing poison gas from the statue’s mouth is good,
classic AD&D that rewards the resourceful and observant, but punishes the
foolhardy. Together with the combat encounters, the adventure is fairly tough
for the intended level range, and more so if the family vampire gets unleashed.
Some of the
puzzles are a bit too obscure. For example, a specific vault opens on
presenting one of two specific signet rings (this is all right since it is a
jackpot), and the main magical trap/alarm systems are operated with a family
brooch (and sometimes a password), which are not really easily discovered
unless via trial and error. Brute-forcing these protective systems is a way to
do it, and perhaps more logical than finding easy clues that help the players
figure it out, but there should have been a few more nudges in this area – even
in a form of subtle environmental storytelling. Non-static encounters are not
common, mostly owing to the crypt theme, but an undead NPC, creepy Old Uncle
Arnaut, a bored crypt thing who is only a threat to grave robbers, is a real
standout. The large centrepiece, the Cursed Penumbra mirror, more than lives up
to its name, and it is a nasty piece of magic both to use and destroy – utterly
deadly if mishandled, and an impressive conclusion if this is the target of the
The supplemental
content is smaller-scale. Mausoleums in Mirthmane Cemetery are handled with random
tables – this is fairly simple stuff. The Tower of Vuul is a monster hotel with
a gibbering mouther as its central attraction. About as much as you would
expect from a tower adventure, with a few better encounters. We also have our
local Totally Not Chaotic Evil, We Swear cult and its underground lair. They
sew their mouths shut, how could they be evil? This is a lot better, with good,
imaginative and slightly sinister specials: “a fountain, its basin red-stained,
and topped with a statue of a hooded figure. Its face is a gaping black hole.”
If you figured out this is a portable hole, you deserve both this, and
the scarab of insanity and bracers of defence AC 6 “made out of
human flesh” you will find inside. Then we have a lizardman lair with a
freaking ziggurat! Okay, it is very small, but it is a “whoa” moment in this
very vanilla “monster movie” setting. The treasures the lizardmen are guarding,
a golden catfish idol and a shield +1 they revere as a holy object, are
distinctive and stick in the mind despite being throwaway lines. A few more
touches – a non-standard vampire, humanoid bands, and a gang of harpies
dwelling in the cemetery sinkhole add further minor touches, individually
small, but a good source of complexity when added together.
The presentation
is generally good, although it suffers from a weak introductory section, and
some slapdash writing here and there that was probably the result of contest
time constraints. It is not easy to understand what’s going on after a first read,
and although things are made fairly clear after reading the main text carefully,
this could be a lot stronger. However, the writing is good where it matters
most: the actual encounter descriptions are effective, using bullet points where
it makes sense, but not going overboard with them. The writing often manages to
grab just the right phrase to set the stage for gameplay without becoming overwrought.
It is not yet there, but a little more practice shall produce excellent
In summary, The
Carcass of Hope is a slightly low-key, vanilla adventure whose strength
lies in the effective use of standard AD&D elements. It is, however, at its
best when it departs slightly from the tried and true, and offers some variation
on the theme, and at its least impressive when it goes back to random coffin
contents. Beyond the level of well-crafted individual encounters lie structure,
and an understanding of constructing complex adventuring environments. This is
how AD&D was being played in its heyday – no, it is how AD&D was being
played well. There is room for improvement, but there is a clear path
forward, too.
This publication
credits its playtesters.
Rating: *** /