Quarrymen (2016)
by Duncan McPhedran
Published by The Zorathan City State Press
3rd level, 6-10 characters
The Quarrymen |
Ninety percent of everything is
crap. A clear majority of homebrew adventures up on RPGNow are crap, too, and disappointing
in fairly predictable ways – low page count coupled with low idea density and a
narrow scope; the proverbial “twelve encounters in 18 pages” dungeon headed by
a padded intro. These modules don’t really make it to this blog, because it’d usually
break my heart to savage an obvious labour of love that just happens to be
lacklustre, and because they are so alike it’d be dull to read and write about
them. But I buy them and read them because one day, somebody’s dodgy PDF with
an uninspiring piece of public domain art for the cover will turn out to be
cool and awesome and worth all the slog. The Quarrymen (for the DCC RPG)
is one of those modules.
When I say this is a gem in the
rough, I mean it. The production values are dire, and never mind the public
domain cover art. The PDF was obviously cobbled together in Microsoft Word, badly.
This is what happens when you leave the factory settings on, indent your
titles, don’t give a hoot about structuring information, use no page numbers,
and create your location key with the numbered list function. Accordingly,
every keyed location is a single block of text instead of a series of
paragraphs; and each one is broken up into read-aloud text (set in italics),
monster statistics (set in bold), and underlined text for everything
else in the room key. It all flows together without paragraph or line breaks,
and the monster stats are embedded into the text just like that. Yes, it
is just as terrible as it sounds, and while I am far from a layout snob, this
took some time getting used to.
But then we get to the adventure,
and it is so great. Basically, the town quarry’s sixty-six workers have
disappeared through a tunnel among the rocks, and only the foreman has stumbled
back to the surface, raving about “the Creature”, “jars, jars, jars, endless
jars”, and “tentacles”. You go in to investigate. This is the first ray of
hope, because all this background is two paragraphs long, followed by the Creature’s
stats (basically a store-brand mind flayer), a few magic items, and then we
jump straight to the dungeon key, which manages to pack a 37-area dungeon into
5.5 pages, with very generous margins. That’s respectable even if it is partly due
to the limited layout. You could say some of the read-aloud text is superfluous,
since it is a minimalistic thing mostly telling you what you’d read off of the
map anyway, but it is not bad, because the rest is a ton of fun.
You get the idea part of the
adventure was randomly generated because the ideas are all over the place and
they are fairly straightforward, but they have that dastardly GM spirit and
sense of fantasy which makes a dungeon fun to explore. Here is an alcove full
of dead bodies who might animate if you come close (coincidentally, they may do
that if you try to flee the dungeon and block your exit). Here are a bunch of jars
filled with internal organs… and here is a detailed table for what happens if
the characters decide to scarf them down (yes, really – this was the point
where I knew I had hit gold). Here is a lake of oil and here is what happens
when you fall into it with your torch. The author took a Dyson Logos map, and just
stocked it to the gills with exuberant, madcap stuff that often makes no
strict sense except as dungeon encounters. It is not exactly balanced to be
level-appropriate; if you die, you die. There are stone golems who will attack trespassers,
but you can fool them if you wear some fake tentacles. There are five very
dodgy handouts drawn by the author, and I kid you not, one of them is Cthulhu
in the style of Van Gogh (no, really), and one of them, a tapestry, is Leonardo’s
Last Supper, but with a mindflayer and a bunch of headless corpses
slumped over the table. What the hell. I love it.
Then the adventure goes from
slightly random to “Aieeeee! Get it off me! Get it off me!” as we enter
what could be best described as a high-tech Cthulhu outpost. It is bizarre, but
not predictably bizarre – it is not, say, a Giger knockoff or a place with
obvious parallels to our modern technology, but the kind of slightly unsettling
place where the players will start asking each other if they really made the
best decision coming down here. A lot of it is unpredictable, or just eerie. A
row of vats with something indefinable floating inside them. A door whose “close
inspection leaves you dizzy and vertiginous”. A dressing room where the
mind flayer’s monsters put on strange coats and jackets to venture out into the
city (I loved this one!). A mind flayer harem which is exactly as wrong as you’d
expect. It feels like a proper mind flayer lair, certainly the best I have seen.
Bad things can happen to characters here, and there is enough combat to turn it
into an ugly slaughterfest; yet it also has a gleeful, grotesque sense of fun
that fits DCC without copying its default heavy metal trappings.
I don’t really want more from a
small adventure than what this one gives me. Solid, unpretentious, sometimes
goofy fun is all right with me, and the imagination is outstanding. Well, it may
be a little on the linear side, but actually, you can even get around that if
you are observant, and it is a one-session affair where a little linearity is forgivable.
I certainly want to see more. The first issue of the author’s zine, The
Cities Zorathi, has been more of a setting primer, and it was not really
this interesting, but the second issue is supposed to feature “the first
level of the Great Maze”, and if it is similar in style and scope, sign me
No playtesters have been listed
for this publication. It deserves to be played.
Rating: **** / *****