Into the Jungle (2019)
by Christian Plogfors
“The Vietcong dug too deep.”
This is one of the games whose core idea can be summed up in one brief
sentence. It will probably be sufficient to establish your reaction to it – it
could sound fascinating, stupid, or absolutely tasteless. It is certainly original,
even if it combines two well-known genres in the form of old-school D&D and
Vietnam War combat. As the background goes, the Vietcong inadvertently broke an
ancient seal while digging tunnels, and “pigmen, skeletons and other fantasy
monsters are spreading out into the jungle around the area.” CIA-sponsored
patrols have been sent in to disappear without a trace. Whatever the source,
both the Americans and the Communists want it gone.
To reiterate, this is NOT
primarily a Vietnam War game with fantasy elements; it is a fantasy dungeon
crawl set in the Vietnam War, featuring modern combatants in what are
presumably fairly D&Dish dungeon crawls and wilderness expeditions. “Dragons
and helicopters”, so to speak – a setting which thrives on the juxtaposition of
fantasy and recognisable modern technology. Would a squad of Vietnam-era
conscripts fare well against gnolls, jungle vampires and dungeon bigfoot? Here
is the time to find out.
Operation Manual |
It would be a lie not to admit
this bonkers concept was sold to me through the game’s presentation. It looks
and feels like a half-declassified military file (at least a civilian’s idea
thereof), with a typewriter font, “classified” sections where the text can
benefit from ambiguity, and stark black-and-white stencil illustrations of
mostly guns and helicopters. It is even called an “Operation Manual”. The game
comes in the form of several modular, landscape-oriented pages which could be arranged
in any order after printing, or laminated and split up during play between the
players and the GM (since the precise order does not matter that much). It is
compact and logically laid out. For a minimal system, it is very well
The game rules are based on Into
the Odd, one of the worthwhile old-school systems which take a step beyond “here
be my favourite edition of D&D with some house rules or extra streamlining
on the top”. ItO is not a variant, but an in-depth rethinking of the D&D
concept, with its own play dynamic, strong implied setting, and support material
(which establishes the game more firmly than just a set of mechanics). Like pre-supplement
OD&D, ItO is a small, mean, fairly deadly game that has more going on than
initially meets the eye. It is far superior to its essentially interchangable
rules-ultralight rivals. Consequently, ItO has always seemed to serve as a
fertile ground for good spinoffs – like D&D itself, it is a good baseline
to build on.
It is all very simple. Your
characters are defined by three ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom)
rolled with 2d6+3, and also the basis of an ability test mechanic used for “saves”
and more general actions. Characters get 1d6 Hp per level. Characters are also
defined by a random class skill (PCs with low ability scores gain a second one
as compensation), 2 weapon skills, a few disposable squad members (these
flunkies have 1 Hp and 1 weapon skill each), and gear – some standard, some rolled
on extensive random tables. Characters are further rounded out through a series
of random background/personality tables.
Your average player character might
look something like this:
Doug “Taco” Cavezza, Strength
7, Dexterity 7, Wisdom 2 (he sucks!), Hp 5. He has two
class skills due to low stats, First aid and Leadership (he can
remove stress points from comrades, a valuable skill). He can handle Submachine
guns and Infantry rifles.
Doug has two companions, Dwayne “Doc”
Ferguson (1 Hp, pistols), and Howell “BooKoo” Hendrix (1 Hp, pistols).
He gets two combat weapons (M16,
Ingram MAC-10), one melee weapon he is not good at (utility/combat knife),
misc. gear (jungle fatigues, combat boots, M1 helmet, belts and pouches, a
rucksack, and a canteen). He can pick 2 standard items (a flashlight and maps),
roll 1d4 more (a 4! He gets sunburn preventive cream/foot powder, a camouflage
helmet cover with mosquito net, a poncho and 2 frag grenades), and roll for one
special item (a fragmentation vest!).
As miscellaneous details, Doug is
attached to friends, he is courageous, and he was an electrician before the
War. He has a secret he is not telling.
Character Sheet (front) |
The character generation process and
the power level are a strong suit of Into the Jungle – your guys are
fragile enough to make expeditions risky, just simple enough to make to render
their inevitable loss okay, yet just detailed enough to get invested in. The
high randomness of the system drives home that these are essentially everymen
who got drafted and shipped out after basic training, and like old-school D&D’s
murderhobos, their survival hinges more on a combination of guile, opportunism
and luck than any innate ability. Doug up there is certainly a random loser
swept up first by world events, and then by Dungeons Fucking Dragons
manifesting in the centre of the Nam jungle. However, like in Dungeons Fucking
Dragons, thinking laterally and exploiting your equipment can save your bacon,
and characters do gain a good supply of random mundane gear to use in
various mcgyveresque ways.
Nevertheless, and even taking into
account a fairly generous dying mechanic, this is a swingy, low-powered, high-risk
game. Like ItO, there are no attack rolls, only damage, reduced by an armour
score that tends to be zero for PCs, and up to 3 for monsters (a rifle does 1d8
points of damage). Consequently, going into battle without an advantage is
always a coin toss in Into the Jungle, and fighting dirty reigns
supreme. A slot-based encumbrance system is in effect (you can carry as many
extra items beyond the basics as your Strength score). You also accumulate “stress
point” for basically everything (including mosquitoes, leeches, heavy
rain and walking in the thick jungle where you might get ambushed), and
characters who get 4 SPs start experiencing Traumatic Stress Disorder, which
gives a 5e-style “disadvantage” on your rolls (roll twice, take worse result). Stress
can be eliminated via rest, socialising, your friendly drugsssssss, and rolling
while under the effects of disadvantage (which also burns away stress points).
Into the Jungle’s character
generation is great, and it has one of the better lightweight modern-era
systems I have seen. In that respect, it is fairly close to Into the Odd’s simple
but robust original rules (as a caveat, the upcoming revised system seems to be
taking a slightly different approach). The “GM section”, the background
information for running adventures, is less well realised. It still shines where
it employs random generation. There are great tables here for generating fast
missions, including a hilarious codename table – e.g. “Operation Tunnel Ninja”
may be a reconnaissance mission in some tunnels, to eradicate a vampire spawn
pit in the Mekong Delta, ending with a party; “Operation Bay of Eagles” would
be to infiltrate a crash site as a search-and-destroy operation against two
giant spiders in Phuoc Tuy province, ending with 5 days R&R in Hong Kong.
It also has guidelines for random encounters and locations (“a small waterfall
with a blue lake and submerged ruins”, “someone is having a BBQ”, “rice paddies
with mortar craters”, “mountain plateaus”), and a good selection of wildlife, monsters
and rival NPCs (from “Lesser false vampire bats” to “Pigmen”, “Dungeon toads”
and “Dryads”, and from Spetnatz teams to Viet Cong commandos). This is a superb
kaleidoscope of “Vietnam Movie” imagery and fantasy stuff to combine and
extrapolate from.
Guns and Guns and More Guns |
And this is where it stops and
runs out of steam. A well-realised GM section, complete with support material
for running Vietnam-style dungeons and perhaps other types of adventures are
missing; as are useful exploration procedures. This may be quibbling about a
mini-game, but what makes a game more than a ruleset is the surrounding galaxy
of information – the stuff which helps the players get their characters’
bearings in the milieu, and the GM’s guidelines for creating and managing the
same. This is what makes a game like traditional D&D (in its various
incarnations) great, the stripped-down ultralight systems so dissatisfying, Into
the Odd pretty cool, and Into the Jungle an “almost there”
game. It separates the wheat from the chaff. This is a game that needed a great
intro adventure (this is of course hard – even ItO slipped on this particular
banana peel), maybe a condensed Keep on Hill 330. It would also have
benefited from a more in-depth treatment of GMing, including specific procedures
for organising play in the scope of an adventure or a mini-campaign. But that
kind of information is not there, and the game feels unfinished. Unfortunately,
the two minuscule and frankly underwhelming supplements released so far aren’t
helping. I mean, Dinosaurs in the Jungle. Sure. But it doesn’t fill out
the gaps which should have been filled out.
In conclusion, this is midway between
a well-developed thought experiment and a potentially great full RPG – it has a
strong premise, and parts of it are nicely rounded out and admirably well
presented. It almost manages to embed its rules in support material
which make the game worth playing in a sustained manner. Yet it also has gaps
which deserve to be filled in, and in the end, it does not feel like a game
that fully grasps its own potential. It would need further elaboration for that.
This does not mean additional mechanical detail – those parts, in fact, are
just about right – rather, a developed and complex vision of a game that has
gone through a rigorous testing phase, and which presents a rich framework to
build on. Perhaps one day.
The publication includes a
special thanks section to people who may be playtesters. It is, also,
completely free!
Rating: *** / *****