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...very pleased to meet you |
It would take long to sing the praises of the great ToAD, this modern classic of utility products, so let it suffice that its over 300 pages of tables is an inexhaustible mine of what the author, Matt Finch calls “deep creativity” – half-formed idea fragments which emerge into full-blown game material. Like Charles Foster Kane’s Xanadu, its treasures are endless. Someone in the middle, there is a four-page 1d100 table for the generation of random thrones. There is enough in that table alone to create and stock The Dungeon of Thrones, if you wanted to. That’s the kind of book the ToAD is. But there, among the tables for “complex architectural tricks”, “corpse malformations”, “religious processions and ceremonies”, and “mist creatures” – which I am sometimes using – there are some that come up all the time (such as a table collection for generating individual-, item-, location-, and event-based missions), and one that is beyond useful. And this is actually the first table in the book: the “Locations (Overview)” table.
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The Locations Overview Table |
- Moaning Chapterhouse of the Bat-Sorcerer
- Collapsing Edifice of the Many-Legged Burrower
- Dilapidated Castle of the Bitter Apparition
- Aerial Cliffs of the Hyena-Keeper
The Wilderness Workhorse: Muddle’s Wilderness Location Generator
Yes, this is an internet tool, and you can try it for free, so go ahead. The ToAD, exhausting as it is, is not much focused on wilderness play, and its tables in this section are cool but just not as varied as the dungeon chapter. Muddle’s wilderness table is a good alternative. It combines nouns and adjectives into a list of 50 locations for your wilderness adventure. A lot of these results will be irrelevant to your current project, but you can check these and delete them, then replace them with a new batch of entries, repeat until you have the precise 50-entry roster you need. Here are the first few from the selection I got this time:
- Deep Hills of the Elder Piller (sic)
- Mausoleum of Adamantite Drows
- Dreary Treasury
- Inner Tomb
- Skeletonelder Hole
- Slimefist Tower
A lot need to be weeded out (I have developed a soft spot for Awful Peak, it is staying), and the vocabulary is much more limited than Mythmere’s thesaury (Sorry! Sorry!), but it is quick, cheap, and often does its job. You can use it to build. Deep Hills of the Elder Pillar sounds like the place where people possess a lot of good ol’ folksy wisdom, much of it involving goat sacrifice and non-euclidean things, Dreary Treasury is a place offering an interesting internal contradiction, and Inner Tomb either lies deeper in the wilderness, or it is a tomb with a hidden sub-section. And we have a cultist hideout at the end, I believe.
But that’s not all! Muddle’s set also has a dungeon room generator that’s almost as decent, and you can force it to select by theme. The other tools are less useful, although the deity generator might make Petty Gods a run for its money (Grundermir Ratvoid, Dread Fiend of Bad Breath; Malumdrim Biscuitfinger, Queen of Ants; Asheeltrym Grumblespoons, Lord of Bannanas (sic); Mulelroun, Godess of Apples; and Grelderthul the Beautiful, Queen of Aggression is certainly a pantheon).
* * *
The Implied Setting: Outdoor Random Monster Encounter Tables (AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide)
In the book that has everything, everyone will find something. Gary’s magnum opus is less methodical guidebook than an occult tome that teaches you, the fledgling DUNGEON MASTER, that horizons are infinite, and the true scope of the reaches far beyond a few narrow possibilities. Last evening, we looked up its advice on underwater combat after two characters fell into a deep pool inhabited by a water spider, and I am sure the “how much damage will I take in my armour type if I transform into a specific lycanthrope type” table has been useful to someone, somewhere – at least once in history.
When the DMG’s readers are asked which is the most important section in there, the teenage munchkin will say “Of course it is the magic items table! Here, have a vorpal mace and two Wands of Orcus!”. The journeyman will point to the dungeon dressing appendix – it is useful indeed – and the old-schooler will at once point to Appendix N for its listing of AD&D’s thematic roots, which we all know is better than the stupid dreck everyone else is reading. The connoisseur of obscure gems will note the “Abbreviated Monster Manual” from Appendix E. Bad people who need to be put on a watchlist will cite “the Zowie Slot Variant”. These are not bad answers, but for my pick, I would go with Appendix C, AD&D’s outdoor encounter system.
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You encounter 2d6 Catoblepas |
Random dungeon dressing and treasure tables help you fill your rooms, and Appendix N will help you develop a refined taste in genre literature; Appendix C gives you the most practical tool for AD&D’s implied frontier setting. We can appreciate the points of light concept because it gives us our points of light in the practical sense – not as aesthetic, but also as practical procedure. Random encounters, particularly when also used to populate wilderness areas, as in a hex-crawl, give you the gameplay texture to make expeditions in the outdoors varied, fun, and very hazardous. That is, they give you the everyday reality of travelling between two points on the landscape. Here is an expedition of six encounters moving between two cities separated by plains, then hills, a stretch of forest, more hills, marsh, then plains again, assuming one encounter occurring on each stretch:
- Plains: Men, nomads (150), with 13 levelled Fighters between 3rd and 6th level, a 8th level Fighter leader with a 6th level subcommander, 12 guards of 2nd level, plus two lesser Clerics and a lesser Magic-User. Assuming the nomads do not force you back in town, or just take you as captives, we can move on to…
- Hills: Elves (140), with 10 levelled Fighters of 2nd or 3rd level, 3 Magic-Users of 1st or 2nd level, and 4 multi-classed elves (4/5 level, plus a 4/8 leader). Let us not consider the giant eagles in their lair – the elves are bros, anyway. We share lembas and move on.
- Forest: 2 Giant weasels, which are 3 HD creatures. Luck was with us, unless the encounter occurs by surprise, since giant weasels suck blood at a rate of 2d6 Hp/round. They have no treasure, but their pelts are worth 1d6*1000 gp, each enough to hire 100 porters for 10 to 60 months of work, or an army of 50 heavy footmen for the same time span!
- Hills again: 16 Wolves, the basic unit of fantasy wildlife. They are 75% to be hungry when you meet them. Of course, they are hungry this time, too.
- Marsh: this is a great place to meet a beholder, catoblepas, or other high-level monsters, but instead, we get Men, pilgrims (60), 9 Clerics of 2nd to 6th level, and a 8th level Cleric with a 3rd to 5th level assistant. There is 60% of 1d10 Fighters (random level, 1st to 8th), and 30% for a Magic-User of 6th to 9th level, but they are not here right now. Still, these badasses are travelling in the world’s most dangerous terrain type except mountains. Don’t screw with.
- Plains again: 1 Huge spider, which is a good roll on 1d12, and fortunately, it is not the calf-sized 4+4 HD type, but the dog-sized 2+2 HD type. The only downside is that they surprise 5:6, which is a bad value, considering their poison is deadly.
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Just a random encounter, bro! |
this trip, you start to appreciate those sexy harlot encounters in the city (and
hope if it comes to worse, it is 8th to 11th level
Thieves out for your purse, and not a Weretiger or a Goodwife out for your
blood), and you start understanding why those points of light remain points,
not larger blots, or why those pilgrims travel in groups of 10-100. It also
puts your mind into a different frame than level-balanced games with random
monsters numbering in the 1d4 or 1d8 range. You can’t fight all those roving
death armies, and besides, it does not pay (weasel pelts excepting). You learn
to scout, you learn to run, you learn to leave behind food to distract your
pursuers (this scales up from rations to pack animals and fellow adventurers –
as the great Grey Fox once shouted back to a companion stuck in a bad situation,
“What ‘party’? The party is already over here!”), bribes of gold or good,
old-fashioned bullshitting to tip over that reaction roll. You learn to grovel
before that dragon, planning future revenge. You learn to plan an ambush to
plunder that lair you just discovered, and carry away the best valuables. Welcome
to the AD&D World Milieu!
* * *
The Chad Sword & Sorcery Milieu: Ravaged Ruins (Wilderlands of High Fantasy / Ready Ref Sheets)
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Wilderlands of Highly Awesome |
- “Villagers charged with a centuries old oath to the ‘King of the Lost-Lands’, maintain an eternal bonfire atop a crag to warn ships off the hidden reef.”
- “In a well hidden crypt is a ring of Brathecol, one of the kings of old Altantis. (sic – ‘Altanis’ vs. ‘Atlantis’ is one of the strange ambiguities of the setting)) A stone golem is guardian of the crypt which appears as a monolithic block of limestone.”
- “The crystallized skeleton of a dragon turtle is buried on the sandy beach. The skull houses a giant leech.”
there is also a procedural Wilderlands that lives in its weirdo random
tables and guidelines, which were collected in the supremely fun Ready Ref
Sheets, Volume I (no second volume was released, but the first one is a
great look into OD&D, and remarkably easy to obtain). Here you can find
rudimentary rules for taxation, trade and mining – but the most useful table is
the self-explanatory Ravaged Ruins. This table generates wilderness locations
to scatter across your hex maps, and let your players wonder about the fallen
glories of past ages – something that already establishes one of the major
themes of the Wilderlands. The table is relatively small, a simple two-pager
with results drawn from archaeology... at least at first glance. It generates a
basic ruin type, with nested sub-tables to determine the specific subtype –
there are not that many results, but the number of combinations is at least
decent. Supplemental columns also establish the condition of the ruins, their
covering (definitely archaeological in sensibilities), state, and the monsters
guarding the ruin. And it gets weird, as seen in these six rolls:
- Statued fountain, found in a large crater, covered with vines, crumbled and decayed, protected by lycanthropes.
- Bones, above ground and covered with slime, partially operational, no guardians. (What does partially operational mean in the case of a bone pile? Mediocre Judges will frown and reroll. Superior Judges will find an explanation. Perhaps this is a bone mine of extinct creatures, still excavated by locals as trade goods or building material? What of the slimes?)
- Sea-horse carriage, partially sunken and buried in a thicket, dangerous operational, protected by insects.
- Periscope inside cavern, covered in rocks, collapsed and tumbled, mechanical guardians. (Wait a minute! We are not in Middle Earth anymore, Bilbo!)
- Man o’ War inside cavern, dangerous operational, protected by trap. (It has to be a fairly big cavern for that… and what if we roll it for a place far, far from a sea coast?)
- Asphault (sic) road, partially covered in thickets, corroded & eroded, protected by giant types. (So this setting has old, overgrown, eroded asphalt roads.)
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Ravaged Ruins |
every great table is enormous, and this one is just a throwaway
forum post by korgoth. However, The Table of Despair is a great gameplay
innovation, and a high achievement of old-school design. It becomes useful when
the characters don’t get the hell out of Dodge before the curtain falls; when
someone is separated from the main party for longer than healthy, or when
someone flees in blind panic. You roll on the table and weep, mortal. Those are
not great odds – in fact, they are downright crummy odds – but this is Jakkalá,
and they may in fact be the best odds you can get. All that for a fistful of
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The Table of Dessssspair! |
Aside from its chuckling evil glee, the table communicates the danger of the Underworld very clearly. The results are appropriate, and should be pronounced in a booming, hollow voice. It is not applicable to every campaign, and it is a bit repetitive, but it is a work of simple genius. I have included a milder variant in Castle Xyntillan (“The Table of Terror”), which is derived from Helvéczia’s “Through Branch and Bush”, but all of these trace their lineage back to korgoth’s now classic post.
* * *
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The Carousing Table |
The Equation Changer: Party Like it’s 999 (Jeff’s Gameblog)
very little of the definitive old-school gaming blog has seen print; Jeff
Rients just wrote tons of material he gave away for free. And 2008 was a great
year, even by the Gameblog’s standards. These carousing guidelines
are not radically new, since they build on older principles which go right back
to Orgies, Inc. (The Dragon, 1977) and even Dave Arneson’s First
Fantasy Campaign (Judges Guild, 1977), already in vogue by 2006-2007. But
Jeff’s take is the iconic, recognised version; he was not there the earliest,
but he was there the mostest. It is simple: at the start of every session, you
can just throw away a bunch of gold pieces in wild parties, and earn the same
amount in experience points. There is, also, a random table to add risk and
complication to the downtime activity. The party may have just been looking for
some good fun and easy XP, but a few bad rolls later...
- Brother Otto wakes up with the hangover from hell, cramping his spellcasting.
- Nick the Knife accidentally burned down the inn, and everyone in town knows.
- Sir Wullam wakes up and finds himself with the symbol of the Brotherhood of the Purple Tentacle tattooed on his... oh no! Oh nooooooo!
- Sorceric has a minor misunderstanding with the guards, and is hauled in for six days in the lockup.
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At least this inn is not on fire, RIGHT, Nick? |
The carousing rule inverts D&D’s core equation, the 1 gp = 1 XP rule. Here, you do not gain XP for treasure you find, you gain XP for treasure you spend. AD&D’s model – which, mind you, works great, although for different reasons – hoovers up excess gold from the campaign through training costs (most of my current Hoard of Delusion party is stuck at their current level, having the XP but not the gp for training), and introduces the strategic dilemma – do we spend it on advancement or other useful stuff? It is also quintessentially 80s action movie – our hero, experiencing hardship, goes to the gym or the old karate master to bulk up for the tougher challenges coming his way. The inverted model removes money through living it up through excessive partying. OD&D’s upkeep rule is a predecessor (1% of your current XP total per arbitrary time period), but Jeff’s carousing table turns it into a mini-game and a source of new mini-adventures. You can also see Ffahrd, the Grey Mouser or Conan doing this, more than them learning new moves under the watch of a wise old instructor. Of course, it is just a table of 20 entries, with a comical aesthetic. But it is a hell of a beginning. I have my own 64-result downtime complications table from the Helvéczia RPG: here are four results for late 17th century picaresque adventures:
- One of Father Gérome Gantin’s noted enemies has vanished from town, and everyone is eyeing him suspiciously.
- Bettina von Vilingen, the noted scoundrel, finds herself the elected mayor of a tiny podunk village.
- Sebastiano Gianini, Bettina’s partner in crime, has indulged in sins better left unmentioned, and loses 3 Virtue.
- Domenico Pessi, retired mercenary, survives a close encounter with Death, but to correct the mistake, the Grim Reaper is once more on Domenico’s trail...
* *
The Dipper: The Monster Determination and Level of Monster Matrix (OD&D vol. 3)
For our final table, let us return to the roots: OD&D’s random monster chart. OD&D has often been called badly designed (and until its mid-2000s revival, it was mostly considered a historical footnote), but what it is is badly written, and barely if at all explained. The design itself, taken at face value instead of handwaved or second-guessed, is surprisingly tight – blow the dust off of the covers, and you find yourself something that hangs together quite well as a game. We have already mentioned AD&D’s wilderness encounter charts – here is a simple, elegant and universal matrix for running expeditions into the Mythic Underworld.
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The Dipper |
matrix cross-references level depth – the basic measure of zone difficulty –
with a 1d6 roll to select a random chart, followed by a roll on the chart
itself. It is trivial, but it is quite different from modern random charts,
which usually go for weighted results for every level. The matrix mixes up the
results by occasionally introducing lower-level (more powerful) monster types
to the first dungeon levels, or hordes of low-level types for the depths below.
Dangerous monsters travel up from the depths, and weaker creatures band
together to establish strongholds and outposts in the deeper reaches. Consider
the following expedition, going down to Level 3 and back, with two encounters
on the average each level (it is not stated, but usually implied that the
number of creatures appearing will be worth one dice per baseline, adjusted
upwards and downwards):
- LVL 1: 6 Kobolds (LVL 1)
- LVL 1: 3 Lizards (LVL 2)
- LVL 2: 1 Hero (LVL 3, a 4th level Fighting Man)
- LVL 2: 1 Manticore (LVL 5 – ooops!)
- LVL 3: 2 Superheroes (LVL 5, 8th level Fighting Men)
- LVL 3: 9 Gnolls (LVL 2)
- LVL 2: 2 Ogres (LVL 4)
- LVL 2: 3 Thaumaturgists (LVL 3, 5th level Magic-Users)
- LVL 1: 2 Goblins (LVL 1)
- LVL 1: 1 Swashbuckler (LVL 3, 5th level Fighting Man)
basically meant for on-the-run wandering monsters, this little chart comes into
its own during stocking dungeons. Follow the general stocking procedure for
rooms along with the room treasure charts on p. 7, and you will soon have
something fairly serviceable for a starting effort. It is quick and a lot of
fun. Of course, for established monster lairs, I would use a higher “No.
Appearing” – perhaps not the 40-400 goblins of the outdoor charts, but at least
1d8*5 for a start – if it’s got treasure, it can defend it. You can also expand
the monster listings, or “slot in” alternate subtables while preserving the
master matrix. You could have one for mediaeval fantasy, desert tomb-raiding, undercities,
or what have you.
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The AD&D Matrix |
Now, I am not 100% happy with this table – chalk it up to personal preference, or the benefit of hindsight. I do believe it goes too deep. Six levels of difficulty should be enough, for a neat 6×6 matrix. Second, it is weighted towards the more powerful encounters, dredging up deep horrors as soon as you enter Level 3. On Level 2, you are more likely to encounter Level 3 monsters (Wights, 4th and 5th level NPCs and Giant Snakes) than Level 2-ones; on Level 3, you will regularly meet Mummies, Wyverns, Hydrae and Balrogs. On the other hand, fun low-strength critters are phased out too soon – Orc, Skeletons, Bandits and the like disappear after Level 2. That is too steep for a good difficulty curve. In our LBB-only, reasonable by-the-book Morthimion campaign, I have adjusted things by using the Level 1 charts for the first two levels, Level 2 for the second two, and so on: that was more than enough for a modern OD&D game (i.e. one played casually, not obsessively every day, every week, as people would do in the 1970s). I also tended to bump treasure values up by one row for largely the same reasons.
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E..excuse me, is this Level Two? I thought this was Level Two |
All that said, the OD&D monster table is an excellent example of compact, elegant design. With a few alterations – cut it down to 6 levels, rebalance a little, increase encounter numbers for some monsters – it would be powerful even in our day and time. I would adjust it just slightly, but keep the “dipper” aspect. AD&D’s equivalent dungeon encounter chart (Appendix C) is certainly more balanced, but missing some of the cool chaos introduced by its predecessor. It is weighted a bit too much towards “slog” instead of “swing”. Somewhere between the two, I believe we could find the perfect monster encounter chart.