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The Cerulean Valley (2022)
by George Seibold
Published by Noisms Games
Low levels
Enjoy being lost
In the Hall of the Third Blue Wizard? If so, this new zine/anthology
edited and published by David
McGrogan might be of interest. The following reviews will focus on the
adventures in the recently published first issue. As the call for papers (appropriate,
as the book looks and feels like a scholarly journal) specified, submissions
would be expected to be between 2000 and 10,000 words, and they tend to be on
the brief side. This is both an opportunity and a hazard. Constraints can
encourage efficient writing, but they may also limit the scope and complexity
of an adventure. It is a fine balance to walk. Appropriately, some of these
reviews will also be on the short side. It is a fine balance to walk.
* * *
In 26 pages (so
not quite brief here), The Cerulean Valley gives us a surprisingly
thorough sandbox mini-setting describing a valley, its central conflicts, and points
of interest. It is a good presentation of an interconnected milieu described in
game-friendly terms, somewhere midway between a gazetteer and concrete
adventure material. The specifics of the setting are mostly contained in the
likes of encounter tables, rumours, an overview description of 15 keyed hexes,
and finally a short section discussing dynamic goings-on in the valley. And
there are a lot of things going on. Lord Hargrave, an evil lord, who has
recently conquered a small kingdom and deposed its rightful rulers, is now
scouring the land with his smog knights, looking for the survivors of his coup,
as well as a secret that would allow him to consolidate his power. River
pirates have started harassing shipping near the main port city, and it looks
like they have larger plans than simply making off with a few boatloads of the
good stuff. A forgotten prehistoric civilisation is stirring to reclaim its
ancient lands. Smaller adventure hooks are integrated into the larger
conflicts. There are multiple scales to the action.
The setting’s
influences are fairly clearly drawn from Miyazaki and classic JRPGs. You can easily
see the signs: a wind tower, themes of environmentalism vs. flamethrower-wielding
industrial knights, a dwarf gadgeteer living in an eccentric cottage, a
flamboyant headhunter, and a rebel movement called The Retrievers. Yup, those
are tells. It comes as a surprise giant magic crystals didn’t make an
appearance. This is an interesting combination. While nominally set in western
feudal settings, and based on some reading of D&D, a lot of JRPGs are very
far from old-school gaming – the aesthetics and preoccupations are different
even if the formal elements are present. While enjoyable, JRPGs also tend to be
highly linear affairs with massive lore dumps, elaborate custcenes, and very
limited player choice. (Some, like Final Fantasy VI, transcend these
limitations.) They also have a twee element that is not quite Frazetta. Here,
though, the fusion works: the material works as an old-school sandbox setting
while it also works as something built on Japanese fantasy. The setting has a
compelling character, from weird forest ruins where elves practice some sort of
elaborate calisthenics next to humans they barely interact with, to oddly
specific details like harpies’ irresistible fondness for hard liquor.
Much is conveyed
through the rumours chart and the encounter tables. Both are sufficiently
integrated into the setting to serve as links leading the players deeper into
interacting with interesting places and conflicts. There is just enough
difference to the monsters to have local colour – the smog knights use
flame-tipped lances, rock baboons are “disconcertingly sapient” and live in
mockeries of human settlements. These elements introduce a local ecosystem of
sorts, where the smog knights hunt for rebels, the rebels try to regain a
sufficient foothold to overthrow the smog knights, and the saurian-led
lizardmen grab captives to advance their rituals to awaken their god. There is
a lot of small detail integrated here without feeling awkward or irrelevant – a
good example of show, don’t tell.
JRPGLand |
The hexes are a
sort of zoomed-out overview of a place. It is not room-by-room (for instance,
monetary treasure is not noted, and there are multiple instances of “there is a
two-level dungeon here” type things scattered around the place), nor a brief
general summary, but a form that maximises adventure hooks via NPC, locale, and
conflict descriptions. For example, the Wind Sage lives on a mountaintop,
commanding numerous unseen servants and invisible stalkers, can help the party
travel to far-flung corners of the valley via a “Zephyr Sling”, and can lead
the party towards the brewing conflicts of the valley. The Smog Knights are
cutting down and burning the surrounding forests, but their common servitors
are growing demoralised, and the boss, Lasher Sledge (the names are also very
JRPG), is too set on his course to change his failing strategy.
This is, in its
own way, a well-constructed sandbox: a complex network of one thing leading to
another, and being connected to a third thing which then leads to a fourth
which somehow is related to the first again. There are some limitations to this
approach. This is a sandbox with a built-in purpose: to place you in the middle
of the Cerulean Valley’s brewing conflicts and play this to the hilt as things
collide and blow up. There is plenty of player agency, but it is the core
conceit. It is not the sandbox setting to go to if you want a more loosely
defined milieu to develop adventures in. If you do not want to tie the whole
thing to the plucky rebels-vs-oppressive empire theme (which seems to define
Japanese fantasy conflicts), a lot of it suddenly becomes less valuable; and
when the events run their course, there is really not much left to do (which
seems to be another feature of classic JRPGs, come to think of it). This is a
closed system with reduced reusability, a finely honed katana made of the
best Japanese steel single-purpose tool – and specifically made that way.
The value lies in its inwards focus.
Thus, The
Cerulean Valley is an authentic expression of a certain kind of fantasy,
which it turns successfully into an open-ended sandbox (thus eliminating the
main flaw of the source materials). The appeal is not universal; in fact, it is
the specificity that sells it, if you are in the market for it. However, it is
also quite good as a practical example of how to do a small, self-contained
mini-setting. It could be used as a launching board for developing your own
adventures, or as is if you are a fan of improvisation.
No playtesters
are credited in this mini-setting.
Rating: **** /