Sunday, 18 December 2016

[STUFF] In the Name of the Principle!

*** *** BE VIGILANT! *** ***
At the end of Summer in the year 3995, Solon’s calendar, the Highest Synod of the **Arx** issued the following brief proclamation, numbered #3775 and disseminated through the usual venues:
*** *** *** In the name of the Principle! The **Arx** hereby declares that Megakrates, Lord of Akrasia has transgressed fundamental philosophical values in governing his city state, and, even after repeated calls to amend his erroneous ways, he has failed to issue the necessary corrections. Consequently, the Highest Synod of the **Arx**, acting on a vote of eleven to ten, hereby sentences Megakrates and his unrepentant band of conspirators to DEATH, and, furthermore, orders the immediate seizure of all their movable and immovable possessions, including but not limited to the city state of Akrasia. The judgement is final and subject to immediate implementation. Swift and effective measures will be enacted by a special delegation of the appropriate experts, appointed on authority of the **Arx** to carry out the necessary operations in the city state of Akrasia. *** *** ***

So declared in the city state of Propyla, in the year of Solon 3995, day 237.”

Slightly later, a mounted company on picked horses left the city state of Propyla. Turning southwest from the major trade route, they rode on a less travelled road towards Akrasia...

In the Name of the Principle is a scenario for a party of 5th to 7th level characters, focusing on espionage, subversion and open-ended problem-solving in the city state of Akrasia. It was originally run as a tournament scenario on an old-school mini-convention, offering a concentrated dose of the ideas in our Fomalhaut campaign. The English version, translated in mid-2014, was intended to be published in Fight On #15, but since that never came to pass, it is offered here as a Christmas present.


  1. Thx, that's extra nice!

    (looking forward to Helvéczia too, I do want to find out how to perform magic with the blessings of the Church and how to play cards with the Devil)

    1. Thanks, Gavroche! Let's hope for a productive 2017!

  2. Thanks Gabor, and Merry Christmas to you and yours, as well! (I've spread the word about your gift on Facebook too).


  3. Espionage turned into blowing up shit on that mini con, as far as I remember. Good times!

  4. Thanks! If you should, after all this time, still need a hand with Helveczia maps, I now have much more time for RPGs than back then;-)


    1. Hi Settembrini! Long time no see. I would much appreciate your help. Could you mail me at my regular address?

  5. Following the link to mega doesn't offer a way to download the scenario. Is there another way to share this?

    1. Strange... there is a green download in the bottom right when I click the link. Is it missing for you?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Actually I got it to work! I tried on my tablet instead. It's just not mobile friendly!

    4. Glad you got it! Yeah, MEGA is probably meant for desktop people. I have never used it on mobile.

  6. The link does not seem to work. It wants me to sign in.

    1. I retested the link without a login, and it still works - look for a green "Download" buttom in the lower right corner.
