This post continues the series of brief play reports I have been posting on Discord. This does not cover every single session (sometimes, recon and setup is what happens), but it covers our ongoing games. Alas, I wrote no reports of Cauldron Con II - it was too much of a good thing, and the post ended up not happening. Here's the rest.
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The Dog |
News from the fallen empire of Kassadia! The company overheard a conversation in their pub between two lowlives, speaking of a hidden stash left in one of Pellagris’ back alleys. They decided to nab it before they could return to it, and did find a pack... with a dead cat inside. A crossbow bolt came from the rooftops, almost killing Diomedes Fulmino – The Dog has struck, fleeing through the roofs after he has sent his message. And a message it was, affixed to the shaft: a letter from the dread pirate Stormy Asmodeo, demanding back the bounty of jewels they have stolen from his agent, Umberto Gatto.
Disregarding the warning, they instead ventured into the hills of Frabotia, to steal a herd of price horses from the manor of Lippo de Albuxis, one of the local noblemen. They visited the manor after some travel, meeting Lippo and his hunter, the elf Elentar. Both seemed good and hospitable company, and they decided against the theft. The Sir was looking for noble hunting quarry, particularly griffins (which were preying on his price horses), and dragons (which was his dream to hunt). After two days of hospitality, they continued through the hills, avoiding a large group of gnolls, discovering an empty crypt, then meeting another group of local servants, gathering herbs for Benozzo Garzoni, another local noble who was using these for dyes. These locals were very respectful to the company’s druid, as they were of the old faith. Continuing on, at a cluster of bushes, thick vines attacked the travellers from the undergrowth. In pitched combat, they were slain, but Axem Borbatuk (Cleric 4 of Irlan) was strangled and killed. Here, the heroic halfling was buried in a grave with respect, by the plant monsters he had fought.
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Library of the Immaculate Reflection |
News from ULTRAREALITY! A new expedition set out from the Viridian Star to the City of the Ape-Men. Following the same route as previously, they made it to the mountain trail up to the island plateau, but were awaited by several ape-men. Although the ambush was detected, they hurled boulders from the cliffs above, sweeping Ixion off the path – he survived, but unconscious, and with two broken legs. The others retreated to a place offering shelter, and the apes followed in pursuit, swearing to destroy the enemies of GODDESS. A pitched battle played out above the yawning abyss, where three could hold up many; and 30 ape-men were slaughtered, the rest fleeing into the jungle.
Ixion was sent
back to the ship with the amazons while the others pressed on, rejoining
Bocephus the Magic-User, who had spent his time with certain plants he has
discovered. He spoke of a vision, sensing that deception and cruel tricks ruled
the city, with the apes mere pawns in the game. This was not enough
information, so for further knowledge, they continued to the sealed Library
of the Immaculate Reflection they had scouted previously. The entrance was
walled up, but yielded to a battering ram improvised from a tree and some rope.
Inside, the place was derelict and destroyed by putrescence; and shambling,
horrifying undead monks came forth to destroy the intruders. Here, Malakos
III had his throat ripped out by a monstrosity, but most were destroyed by
two subsequent fireballs hurled by Bocephus. Further exploration
discovered the library’s books were mostly too decayed, but two magic books and
a mysterious tome were found intact. A reliquary hid a secret chamber with more
rotted works and two magic scrolls, but
it was beneath the stones that the true valuables were found: gold bars, jewellery,
and a magical tome of special exercises. With this haul, the company decided it
has pushed its luck enough for now: and they returned to rest in one of the
city’s crumbling palaces...
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The Painter and his Wife |
News from the fallen empire of Kassadia! The expedition continued through the hills of Frabotia. The Lion Pack was soon joined by a blond, blue-eyed half-orc who named himself Maximus, champion of Keora, who had heard of their spreading fame. They continued to the manor of Benozzo Garzoni, an artist fond of visionary paintings, opium-dreams, and illusionist magic. This was a good opportunity for Trupo Gizmegas to exchange spells, with the promise to help the farmhands, who were spooked by dangerous creatures and disappearances. They also met Benozzo’s beautiful, radiant young wife, Gianetta, who struck them as either an illusion herself, or some sort of witch; and they decided to avoid her.
Continuing to the farmhands’ stone cottages, populated by an archaic people who were overjoyed by Arden Oakbark’s visit, as they had long lost the druid who had ministered to them. They told of night-birds carrying off prey, and a young hunter who disappeared in the enchanted forest after following a dream. They also gave directions to a druidic circle, where – after defeating a goblin raiding party – Arden and Jovial Faustulus performed a rite, Arden gaining a one-use commune, and Faustulus some spells he could learn. Seeking out the night-birds, they found them in a tower ruin from an archaic age; 3 giant owls defending their nests ferociously. Romulus, one of Faustulus’ wolf companions, was killed, and the party suffered heavy wounds – but the birds were killed and two eggs captured. This settled the debt with Benozzo Garzoni.
But there was
another rumour, of a dragon lairing in a quarry at the edge of the western
mountains that drew them in. They visited the site, where stood giant blocks of
marble with partially carved statues – and there was an enormous cave up among
the cliffs, with ominously large footprints leading into the mountain. This was
good news for Lippo de Albuxis; and leaving the beast be, they travelled back
through the hills, to the abandoned crypt where they hunted and made camp.
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Alliance with the Ape-Men! |
News from ULTRAREALITY! Exploration continued in the City of the Ape-Men, although without Lilith, who stayed behind. The first target was the derelict library, which held more secrets: it seems the monks were displeased with a rival sect based around the city’s pyramids, who had misled the people of Linquar the Eternal, and revived the use of the ruins on the island’s highest peak. They also spoke to levitating, telepathic monks who were not hostile; they were very bitter about their rivals, and suggested exposing them as charlatans.
They then
visited the shrine of GODDESS, who advised them to leave the monks to their
seclusion, but visit the good apes of Lon-Tar and Lath-Orn, based in a tower
and an oval building, respectively – while killing those of the evil Lath-Lar
in the northern ruins. Exiting the
temple, they found five fishing ape-men, just being attacked by frog-lizards;
and recognising potential allies, helped them. Now they were more amenable:
they were the followers of Lath-Lar, trying to find a crown of power which
GODDESS has told them was lost in the pool. They also considered themselves
faithful followers of GODDESS, and foes of the imposter roaming the city
(Lilith, fortunately, was not in the group). The apes invited them to visit
their chief as well. They then tried to seek audience with Lath-Orn in his
tower, but were immediately denounced as the companions of the False Goddess,
and driven off. The apes in the oval building turned out to be the same they
had fought previously. So they went north instead, first investigating an eerie
compound populated with illusions, then visitng Lath-Lar in the northern ruins.
The mighty ape warrior received them, and an alliance was made to help destroy
his rivals to let him rise to rule the ruins in exchange for his treasures.
Afterwards, a temple desecrated with ape poop was cleaned and hidden treasures
found. Thus ended the current foray to the ruined city.
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How it Started... |
News from the fallen empire of Kassadia! The Lion Pack brought news of a dragon’s nest to the great hunter, the noble Lippo de Albuxis, and the Sir immediately decided to launch an expedition to slay the beast he had always been looking for. Accompanying him was Elentar, his elven hunter, and four handpicked men. The company set out across the hills to ride to the abandoned quarry beneath the beast’s cave. On the following dawn, they climbed the precipice on a narrow ledge leading up to the cave, when they heard the whoosh of massive wings – the dragon, a sleek green beast, had been awakened! It swooped down and swept one of Messer Albuxis’ men off the ledge after stabbing him with its spiked tail. Trupo conjured a wall of fog to shield the company while they could climb from the treacherous ledge to more solid ground. Wounded from multiple bowshot, the dragon then stabbed poor Elentar, who succumbed to poison, and then Messer Albuxis himself, before a gust of wind spell smashed the dragon against the cliffside, breaking its bones.
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...How it's Going |
(This adventure
was rather lucky, at least after the beast – actually a wyvern – was awakened.
I was selecting targets randomly, and they were all NPCs, so there were no PC
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News from the Land of 49 Pyramids! A band of adventurers trying to steal a precious item from a revelry of the rich and influential were transported by weird forces into a wild jungle of ancient, crumbling ruins, wild beasts, and a war of elimination between savage cavemen and the barely civilised warrior people of a megalithic city. Multiple small pyramid-tombs dotting the land were explored for smaller treasures, another group of survivors met, and eventually, contact was made with the people of the city, who hailed the newcomers as the messengers of the gods!
They sailed
across a large lake into the city of Tli-Atla-Teli, where they well received as
the guests of the rulers, the divine Prince Ar-Liarak and Princess
El-Liaren. Unfortunately, two of the characters were cavemen, but even more
unfortunately, they made multiple uncouth and suspicious statements at court
that threw their status as divine messengers into complete doubt, and aroused
the terrible suspicion of their hosts. At night, when all was still, they tried
to sneak into the nobles’ quarters and abscond with pricy valuables, but they
encountered the Princess and a group of armed warriors on the hunt for them.
In the ensuing melee, the princess, a werejaguar, was commanded and
decapitated, but the rest were rushed by the soliders, the Prince, and his ferocious jaguars. So
died Krond the Stonesmasher, caveman Cleric of Mereskan; Ugbus, Collector
of Spleens, caveman Cleric of the God of Peace; Richard Flameheart,
a bold Fighter; and Rafar the Fox-faced, a wily Thief. Only Krogen
the Barbarian could fight his way out, nearing death but snatching away the
raging Prince’s meteorite iron longsword +1, and escaping through the
lake back into the upland jungles...
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Pie +2 |
News from the Porphyry Sea! News of a dungeon revealed at low tide spread through the port town of Bescanum, and five adventurers (Brother Julianus the Blue-Robed, and his companions Palladio the Exalted, Agaricus Plumbus, Alfredo Talivius and Gaunt Gerhard), heeded the call, bringing a band of henchmen and hired men. One of these fellows drew our attention to a buried treasure on a nearby island, which became our first target. We suspected an ambush, and that’s what it was: we ended up massacring some 50-60 concealed bandits, and their leaders Doom-Bringer Wilfred and “Onions” Holger. The bandits’ hideout held a randomised type A treasure, with 32,700 in gems and 32,000 more in jewellery! We returned to Bescanum in triumph, easily levelling up before setting out for the actual adventure.
The dungeon was only accessible at low tide, with a window of 3 hours before flooding completely. Right at the entrance, we were ambushed by the giant crabs of doom, who killed our followers, the elf Talomir Lightfoot and August the Magic-User. Exploration proceeded deeper into the complex, finally finding the half-flooded temple of a bull-god. Ghasts and ghouls rose from the water, and a brutal battle unfolded with most characters ending up paralysed, and a few winning the day. However, the undead were slain and the idol’s gemstone eyes and heavy golden horns looted – and a treasure chest found in a secret underwater room. With this, we returned to our ship to rest a night. The second expedition was less lucrative: we encountered an undead king (possibly a spectre) who believed us to be his servants, and whom we retreated from; one of his lieutenants (whom we fooled); and finally a nest of I don’t know how many ghoul-stirges, who proved almost TPK-worthy. However, by great luck, we defeated them, and withdrew again with some smaller treasures.
(Note the pie
made by the GM’s wife! We felt guilty cutting it up and eating it, but such is
the fate of desserts.)
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Into the Blue Mausoleum! |
News from the fallen empire of Kassadia! After resting two weeks, the Lion Pack decided to pursue a lead from Lario Bondi, a minor noble: to retrieve a family heirloom, an ancient horn taken from the Bondis by their mortal foes, the Alarus family. The extinct lineage was buried in a secret tomb in the Blue Mausoleum, an antique catacomb system. Lario wanted the horn, while the company could keep the rest, sharing what he knew of the tomb’s probable location on the mausoleum’s upper level.
Riding to the
mortuary, the adventurers descended into its vast, echoing halls. They were
ambushed by a band of ragged, hunchbacked mutants, but prevailed after an
initial volley of barbed javelins. Diomedes Fulmino joined shortly afterwards,
although not before triggering a magical trap the others had avoided. The
explorers made their way to the upper level, a place of both common and
individual tombs. In a tomb belonging to one Cassius Pulcherius Ludens,
they found a strange bronze machine guarded by two suits of armour. A cunning
trick to lasso one of their swords ended up with Diomedes being yanked inside
and almost butchered by the animated armour. After fruitlessly trying to defeat
them, the company made an orderly retreat and slammed the door. The next tomb
held marble sarcophagi covered by a weird drape, and wizened corpses. After
opening the door, it was closed just as swiftly. After further exploration, but
failing to locate the Alarus tomb, they found an octagonal chamber with a
mosaic pool in the middle, and an access to the surface above. However, this
was a nest of several ghoul-stirges. An improved phantasmal force was
used to web 2/3 of them, but the rest proved strong foes. In the melee, Remus,
the wolf companion of Jovial Faustulus, was accidentally killed by its own
master. Finally, the ghoul-stirges defeated, precious gemstones were recovered
from the pool, and the surfce access used to return to the top of the hilltop
above the Blue Mausoleum.
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Barbarian Might! |
23/11/2024 (reports from Society of Adventurers XII Con)
News from the barbarous wastelands of the Batrakasz! Five adventurers embarked on an expedition to mighty Velkos Vel, megalithic fortress of the wasteland barbarians, to free Ylnissa, a kidnapped Amazon princess before she would be sacrificed to the barbarians’ dark gods. In the caverns beneath the fortress, they made their way upwards, fighting a prismatic spider (suffering considerable damage due to firing into melee, and hurling burning oil into melee), and discovering a tomb from a lost technological age. Alas, Elnan (Thief 5) was killed by a small spider. Further up, they discovered a scroll contained in an impenetrable circular force field; using an unseen servant to open up the case and read magic through the wall to decipher it gained them a conjure elemental spell, used at once to gain a powerful ally. With this, the fortress dungeons were stormed and Ylnissa freed, along with Gordag the Beastmaster (a nomad) and Kleides of Ooldar, a fat merchant (Thief).
On the way back
while the elemental was wreaking havoc in the fortress, Dorsh the nomad
(Fighter 5) was ambushed by a filament monster and exsanguinated, his
companions leaving him to his fate. Nearing the exit, they had to fight their
way out through the weird little creatures prowling the lower passages, but Kleides
(Thief 4) plummeted into a deep pit. With Ylnissa freed, they made their way
through the passes of the wasteland mountains. Here, Maleus (Magic-User
5) turned on his companion, Etnus (Cleric 5 of the CE amoeboid god Yol),
blasting him with his fireball (the player had drawn a random mission
card which tasked him with assassinating the Cleric). The only survivor of the
initial party, Bloody Tusk (caveman Fighter 5), and Ylnissa and Gordag
joined to subdue the assassin, stripping him of most of his equipment, and
leaving him tied up in the wasteland mountains so the Gods might decide his
fate. Thus, they returned to the coastal city states!
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A Brush with DEATH! |
News from the Wastelands
of the Standing Stones! Five brave bogatyrs (Damir, my Ranger 4, and
his companions, David, Josip, Andrei and Bernard)
ventured into the steppes to capture the soul-gem of a demon from beneath a
burial mound. It was found in a hexagon of enormous standing stones, decorated
with depictions of powerful monstrous beings. This place was sacred to the
gnolls, and the dog-heads had an old shaman here, who told the heroes of the
dangers beneath the mound. Crossing a moat of boiling water, we descended
beneath the mound. We fought an enormous mind-controlling spider and his
minions; crossed a room filled with bones constantly generating skeletons,
defeated a shadow demon, found silver and gold with gems and magic weapons,
braved a room of perpetual darkness, and slew a bunch of tough gnoll skeletons
(questions arose whether they should be called “gnollvázak” [gnolletons] or “csollok”
[skolls]). Finally, the gem was found in a trapped room, but recovered with a
good use of Tenser’s floating disk. We fled from the emerging stone
golem, and returned back to civilisation. Alas, the soul gem was a cunning
fake, but we were not worried: after all, we gained treasure and magic, losing
none of us in the bargain. It was well done, and we should drink to that!
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Fiery Destruction! |
News from the fallen empire of Kassadia! The peaceful rest of the wounded and tired company was interruped by a crash, as the balcony door to their inn was broken through, and the hulking shape of a terrible ape demon appeared! The beast caught the resting heroes by surprise, and Skyd the Northman and Lancilotto Balsamo the henchmanm were torn to pieces as the others fled, dragging off an unconscious comrade. Escaping from the burning inn, they saw their ship was also aflame in the harbour; and also a beautiful woman, laughing while looking at the burning building with glee, then flying away on two enormous bat wings!
Striking for the dark wilderness, the survivors discussed the ambush, and decided this was the revenge of the dread pirate Stormy Asmodeo, whom they had stolen from, and to whom they paid no restitution. They travelled to the manor house of Benozzo Garzoni, a friendly landholder and Illusionist, who was currently exchanging spells with Trupo Gizmegas, the party gnome. Benozzo, an avid historian, had heard of an ape-demon, who had once dragged off a nobleman on the island of Sormadium.
After spending a
few days at rest, and joined by a replacement PC, the Magic-User Martus the
Opiate, they also headed through the wilderness to the nearby druidic
circle, where Arden Oakbark made a sacrifice of precious treasures: the
valuables were gone, and in their place stood a small goat statuette! He also
used his one-use commune ability, learning that
1) the attackers
were coming from a ship hidden in a sea cave beneath a mountainous isle;
2) more
knowledge on demonology was hidden in the island town of Sormadium;
3) the location
of the Horn of Alarus in the Blue Mausoleum;
4) the purpose
of the stone goat (essentially a mighty siege engine once activated).
The ride back to Pellagris was not uneventful: they avoided a camp of mighty antler-headed stag-men, but were ambushed by a group of orcs, whose bowmen brought down multiple horses, and captured poor Martus, robbing him of his spellbook, and extorting the party of gold in exchange for Martus’ life.
Beaten, they
fled back to town on horseback (having lost multiple fine steeds). Here, they
bought new horses, and recruited a young bard, Agesilao Torregrosa.
Agesilao proved to be the friend of Bellonex, a drunken hermit outside
the town walls, who knew a little of the orcs and their habits of plundering
the nearby estates. The adventurers also knew of the orcs’ probable base: two
derelict granaries in the wilderness, not far from town. They approached,
besieging the structures with the stone goat to draw them out, and using
illusion spells, entangle, and web to thin out the orcs. While
the orcs attacked, Trupo used change self to turn into an orc himself,
sneaking into the granary behind the others’ back and liberating the stolen
spellbook, as well as a large gold bowl! The orcish attack broke on a strong
shield-wall, and their leader, Grilling Yagar failed his morale check (very
badly), legging it – after which the rest chose to flee as well, following
their disgraced leader into the wilderness. Thus, with Agesialo’s song to keep
them company, and the hard-won prize, they returned to rest and recover in
These are really great. Is ULTRAREALITY also a part of the Fomalhaut milieu?
ReplyDeleteIt is a parallel world reached through a dimensional gate - but essentially yes.
DeleteThe pie looks great! Now I'm hungry.
ReplyDeleteSo concise! Want to try to emulate this in my campaign diaries. Really sweet tokens too, where are they from?
ReplyDeleteThey were made with Bing Copilot. Here are a few prompt examples:
Deletelow-res pixel art icon of dos fantasy game, dos spec, mercenary (leather armour, shortsword, worn wooden shield, helmet, rugged, stern, unshaven, black hair, tanned), black background,low spec,CRT,CRT scan lines,CRT Glow,Halation, dark colors, rasterized
low-res pixel art icon of dos fantasy game, dos spec, renaissance italian crossbowman (chainmail, tabard, mechanical crossbow, helmet, rugged, stern, unshaven, black hair, tanned), black background,low spec,CRT,CRT scan lines,CRT Glow,Halation, dark colors, rasterized
low-res pixel art icon of dos fantasy game, dos spec, portrait of ape-man warrior (shaggy, brutish, hairy, dark fur, bold, cruel, primitive, longbow on back, gemstone necklace) holding skull, black background,low spec,CRT,CRT scan lines,CRT Glow,Halation, dark colors, rasterized
These prompts create quite good character tokens for VTTs, and this particular style is consistent.