player-safe section]
One of the fun things about The Ryth
Chronicle – perhaps the single most useful document of early OD&D
play, and more useful than some actual OD&D supplements – is seeing the
campaign take shape through the actions of multiple different adventurer
groups. Ryth had an enormous player roster involving guests and regulars,
apparently even going as far as to lease out some characters on expeditions
where the players could not be present. The earliest listing from March 1975
counts 26 players and 17 characters (not counting the recently dead), the
highest-level being Pontius, a 5th level Cleric, and Felsord, a 5th
level Dwarf. The last one, from October 1976, counts 50 players and characters…
three 9th level Magic-Users (Fazzlefart, Sondin and Kodiak), two 8th
level Fighters (Ragnar Lodbrok and Grobard BenGon), and two 8th
level Clerics (Benelux V and good old Pontifus).
You get a good idea about how things went when you read the earliest
expedition reports – brief snippets along the lines of
- “Morbundus, 2nd level. John Van De Graaf led 15 players, losing 3, in a search for passages to lower depths. They defeated a wyvern, gnolls, toads, zombies, bandits, giant snakes, giant rats, and giant ants. They found a magic toad statue of unknown properties, and cleaned out the remainder of the Troll Room treasure.”
- Or: “Weir, 2nd level. Paul Michaud led 14, five died, and two high-level characters (a hero and a curate) were at death’s doorstep. They defeated 3 giant snakes, but met their match with 2 manticores and left without treasure.”
One of the fun things about Castle Morthimion is seeing a similar
thing play out, even if on a much smaller scale. Morthimion operates as an
occasional campaign – there is no planned schedule; it goes on the menu when we
can’t organise one of our regular sessions, or on special occasions. As such, expedition parties are organised on
an ad-hoc basis – whoever is present can bring a previous PC or roll up a
character (one 2nd level or two 1st level PCs). More than
that, Morthimion’s guest players are a prestigious lot: as of the last post, we
had Zulgyan visiting us from Argentina; the next session, Lord Metal Demon came
by from the frozen lands of Canada. What is even better, I am hearing both are
now entertaining the idea of running an OD&D dungeon of our own – hope we
will hear about them in due course! I don’t usually do open table games (my
attempt to do so with Helvéczia back in 2012 triggered an immediate player
revolt), but this comes reasonably close.
As it always goes with OD&D projects, there is a trick to all
this. As envisioned, OD&D is a game without boundaries. It is meant to
expand; not just through the continuous vertical and horizontal expansion of
the dungeons, or in the incorporation of new “stuff”, but often in the scope of
play as well – from dungeoneering to wilderness exploration, castle building,
airborne and maritime combat, and “more”. Meanwhile, recreating an LBB-only
game today is inherently laser-focused and based on setting limits – a specific
mindset and specific rules (fortunately, it does not require LARPing 1970s
hipsters) But the game will, inevitably, be something different. We can’t
remake Ryth with today’s tools. But we can learn from it and adapt it to our
current needs.
Our third July game was again conducted in English, with Lord Metal
Demon dropping by for an afternoon.
- L.M.D. brought Balta the Axe, a 2nd level Fighting Man (the character’s name would translate as Axe the Balta). He was joined by Tumak the Shaman, 2nd level Cleric of Chaos; Brother Tivold, 3rd level Cleric of Law; Tycho the Ascetic (Cleric 1 of Law) and Weirlord (1st level Magic-User) returned from the first expedition, and Ravenheart (who runs Vorpal Mace) brought Grimly the Poor, a 2nd level Dwarf who rolled particularly badly for starting money. They brought two light footmen (Rudolf and Ragnarr), a bowman (Robin), a porter (Ale) and a torchbearer (Chort); as well as a cart for all the treasure!
- This time, we could actually start in the wilderness, as I had a player map and some basic notes ready. Starting from King Donald’s Wall, the company immediately went off track and scouted a collection of burial mounds from the time of the Faerie Princes, encountering a host of elves exploring the valley.
- They also found a hidden way into a valley ruled by the castle of Lord Moltgaard, who, seeing they could neither just nor pay a toll, had them run off with the threat of siccing the dogs on them!
- …as well as a second valley with a pool of comely naked ladies close to a grove of trees. Balta was charmed after a botched altercation, and had to be physically dragged off before he would join them beneath the water surface.
- …and a small lake with an island, a troll bridge, and a gazebo where they avoided a trap, learned of an imprisoned princess, and found some treasure.
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Domains of the Faerie Princes |
- Arriving in Morthimion, the company descended to the dungeons and continued exploring the southern passages of the first level. This did not go very well: Brother Tivold was paralysed by a ghoul and taken out for most of the action, and disturbing a nest of centipedes, Grimly and Balta were both bitten with only 2d6 turns to live! After a mad dash for the exit, they sought an audience with the Wizard Wörramos for help. Balta was saved in due time with a potion, but poor Grimly died a horrible death. In exchange for saving Balta’s life, and the second vial of poison cure, Wörramos bade them via geas to find the Chantry of the Centipede Lord, and find therein a small brass statuette.
- For the second expedition, Grimly was replaced with Joe Average, hobbit Fighting Man of no remarkable stats. Right near the entrance, they encountered yet another fellow, a handsome man wearing plate and a mace. Introducing himself as Milius, he joined the company despite suspicions of being up to no good, and managed to stay in the back without doing anything useful.
- This time, they went to explore the northeast. They found a passage that turned into a 90-degree horizontal pit trap. Descending with the aid of a rope, Balta found himself in a new level with deep pits and shafts, but they collectively decided this place was located too deep for the Chantry, their primary objective.
- They encountered a Stone Hero who challenged them to single combat to let them pass, and Balta completed the challenge! These passages brought them to an area of stone doors (which they decided were fake), pit traps, and mysterious chambers with brass bowls on pedestals. Robin and Ragnar fell into the pits and died. Three black gemstones retrieved from one of the bowls proved useful in conjuring a spirit of the Underworld, who agreed to transport them to the Chantry of the Centipede Lord, which was located right below their feet on the second dungeon level!
- Now in unknown territory and only a vague direction of where their exit may lie, they set to explore the nearby area. The entrance to the chantry was easy to find, but before, they decided to prod a nearby stone door, releasing a gelatinous cube from an overhead chute! The chute, in turn, lead to the hidden Diamond Laser Room, containing a fabulous 5000 gp diamond suspended in the air between several laser beams and a system of mirror walls. Choosing the brute force approach, Balta chucked a stone against the gem and knocked it out of place, triggering the lasers which cut poor Joe Average into ribbons. Since the hour was late and L.M.D. would have his flight back the next day, we called it a day with the company stuck down in the dungeons, and went for a few beers in a nearby pub.
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Level 1 Player Map |
Our next game, in August, included three players, of whom only Premier had previous experience with the dungeons (or OD&D). Since the previous crew were stuck down there, we generated a new set of characters (two per player, all 1st level), who had bought the previous party’s map off of a weaselly character who had somehow “acquired” it.
- Premier brought Axbjard Bjardax, a Dwarf; and Hijo de Emirikul, a Chaotic Magic-User. My PhD student (whom I had known much longer as a gamer before our paths would cross professionally) brought Bandar, a Cleric of Chaos; and Tomrik, a Chaotic Fighting Man who did not speak a single word during the game. His wife (also a veteran gamer, as well as PhD in regional studies) brought the elven sisters Erien (operating as a Fighting Woman) and Glerien (operating as a Magic-User), who lead most of the expedition. They hired two spearmen, Sam and Jack (who was extraordinarily capable), and the porters El Mulo and Owl.
- This expedition also started in the wilderness, but the company did not go off track and struck right for the dungeon, only stopping at a seedy roadside tavern in the woods, where they learned of the previous group’s disappearance in Morthimion about a week earlier. They decided that a rescue operation could net them new, generous allies.
- In Morthimion, they headed straight for the second level stairs, found by the earliest expeditions but never taken. Erien and Glerien’s elven senses, along with Axbjard’s knowledge of construction, came quite handy; and they found first a hidden stairway leading upwards from the first level, and then a second set of stairs going down north from the second level landing, but choked with generous fungal matter. These would be left for later expeditions (“Castle Morthimion, Department of Construction” sign / inaccessible).
- Here, the expedition almost ended with annihilation. Exploring a sequence of abandoned barrack rooms marked with the sign of a yellow beak, the company was cornered in a room by an enormous number of orcs. Only Hijo de Emirikul’s sleep spell allowed them retreat from the ambush, but their escape was cut off again by a group of orcs and an ogre who had blocked their path through another route. Soon to be caught by mustering forces from both before and behind them, a desperate fight was won with the aid of flaming oil, which they spilled in great quantities behind them to give the pursuing orcs a fiery surprise. So they escaped with their lives, but no loot at all.
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Level 2 Player Map |
- For the second expedition, they planned more carefully, investing their funds into generous quantities of flaming oil. Back on the 2nd level, they explored a series of dank storerooms with fungi and peaceful giant lizards, and found a place called “The Shrine of Doors”, where a sinister man named Thassaro the Theurgist was guarded by a group of squat halberd-wearing humanoids (tromes). Tassaro agreed to reveal the mysteries of the Underworld for 200 gp.
- Further exploration helped them avoid a deahtrap, brought them to an underground garden of dragon statues and a faerie pool they did not dare to mess with, a group of neutral bandits guarding an elevator down to the deepest level (blocked with a “Castle Morthimion, Department of Construction” sign), and a slimy section of pipes, downwards stairs, and a pool with a mysterious statue. Beyond careful tactics, the characters were aided by no random encounters, and lucky reaction rolls; however, Sam died when he fell into a pit.
- Eventually, they found an enormous hall where a feast had recently taken place, and extinguishing their lanterns, saw a group of short-statured cooks clean up the long table. Not wanting to tackle a kitchen full of these strange beings, they went the other way, northeast into a section of side rooms identified as “The Vaults of Rabad the Fearless”. They were pursued by loud footsteps, and they soon learned by their own experience that turning to see who was behind them would bring invisible swordstrikes. Although a room of spiders brought some loot, they chose to retreat from this dangerous-looking place.
- With their loot, they sought out Tassaro the Theurgist in the Shrine of Doors, and learned that “They would have to overcome their fear” if they wanted to find the lost explorers. At first, Erien was furious Tassaro had cheated them with this non-advice, but they soon concluded it was a hint, and they’d have to return to the Vaults of Rabad, who was indeed Fearless.
- The vaults revealed yet another room of several gemstones labelled “The Gems of Pain”, which they carefully avoided. But here, their luck almost ran out as they faced to see two Thaumaturgists, powerful magic-users from the deeper dungeons! Most of the party fell to a sleep spell, only Bandar, Glerien and the torchbearers remaining standing. Bandar’s wits saved the way. “Behind you!” he shouted, and the Thaumaturgists reflexively turned back, immediately struck by the invisible swords, one of which cut off the first M-U’s head. Glerien threw a dagger but rolled a natural 1 and almost ended up killing poor Erien by friendly fire. The only character still to act, Owl, bereft of weapons, desperately rushed the second M-U and dashed his head against the stone until he was dead (critical hit; a natural 20 doing the full 6 damage – M-Us are squishy!) The dead had some personal treasure, and a lucky roll yielded a single piece of jewellery rated at the highest value category – an amulet worth a princely 7000 gp!
- From here, they quickly found the Chantry of the Centipede Lord, and the previous party, still stuck in the Diamond Laser Room and suffering from paralysis. Glerien pocketed the 5000 gp diamond, and the characters hauled the hapless adventurers out of the room. They could be returned to their senses, but were weak and basically useless – they were somehow paralysed by the treacherous Milius, who had left them along with their treasure to die as motionless statues.
- The last thing to tackle was the Chantry, which turned out fairly small. The idol was easy to retrieve, but the company was surprised by centipedes from down the corridor. In the melee, El Mulo went down under giant centipede bites, not even needing to save vs. poison. Worse, stealing the idol seemed to trigger a skittering sound from all around, and the characters decided to beat it – to their good fortune, finding the way out without further random encounters.
- This was a very successful trip: two major treasures were retrieved (Bandar decided they’d keep the diamond as a “rescuers’ fee”) along with miscellaneous loot. With monster experience (using LBB rules, these are fairly good at low levels), there was enough XP to advance everyone to 2nd level, and Bandar the Cleric to 3rd level (I disregarded the “only one level per session” rule). Furthermore, Jack and Owl, who had distinguished themselves during the expeditions and showed sufficient individual heroism, were each given 250 gp, the amount I require to turn them into regular player characters.
ends the spoiler-free section]
wishing to adventure in Castle Morthimion: STAY AWAY!]
And now for the current expansion. In the updated download, I am
adding The Sideways Level, a vertical level crossing the horizontal ones.
So far, only Balta has been down there, but the level has been discovered, and awaits
enterprising groups to plumb its depths. Bring your ropes and spikes, because
there will be climbing galore!
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The Sideways Level |
Beyond the unusual perspective and the navigation / combat challenges
coming with it, the encounter chart also strays from the elegant although
occasionally murderous LBB baseline. I quickly had to abandon the idea of
filling the table from the “Flyers” lineup from M&T, since the selection is
both meagre and focused on high-powered monsters. My design rule for Morthimion
is to stay with the LBBs where possible, and come up with my own stuff where
necessary instead of incorporating supplement material (like every rule, it has
a few exceptions). Thus, say hello to avians, flitters, floaters, and
their friends (gas bags were distantly inspired by Booty and the Beast’s
silly gas bag neck people).
This is a “Level 2” equivalent place (OD&D’s dungeon level
progression is a steep difficulty curve – by level 3, you will regularly be
meeting hordes of wraiths, ogres, giant scorpions and 6th/7th
level NPCs, with good chance for much worse), although with some tough lairs (I
am quite fond of Hoddaful Hakabus and his brigand gang, who emerged from a
series of random rolls, and the Pits of Cil, named after the venerable Chimaera
postal dungeon. You can also roll boulders down shafts and drain enormous
water reservoirs to flood the lower parts of the level.
I have also completed Level 3, The Crypts, progressed with the
wilderness section, and written brief encounter ideas for some of the
sub-levels the characters have discovered in the last two games. These will be
explored in the next post, after we have a few more sessions under our belt!
Until then… Fight On!
Very nice. This just shot up from "Intriguing project to keep my eye on" to "Something I might actually run". I love vertical design and that map looks like great fun to explore!
ReplyDeleteIt's always great to hear about Morthimion! Nice to see it grow and get played. I am indeed preparing my OD&D campaign, and will be reporting about it as I go! (maybe I'll even start a blog about it).
ReplyDeleteThis is now firmly on my radar. I look forward to reading along as you develop it.
ReplyDelete"Hijo’s wits saved the way. “Behind you!” he shouted, and the Thaumaturgists reflexively turned back, immediately struck by the invisible swords, one of which cut off the first M-U’s head".
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly happened here? I don't understand. Where did those invisible swords come from?
(Correction: I misremembered it, and it was actually Bandar who came up with the trick. I will correct this since it is a great example of quick thinking and player skill.)
DeleteWhat happened was that in The Vaults Of Rabad the Fearless, "Footsteps echo along corridors in pursuit. Those who turn shall be stabbed once by invisible 3 HD swords." It is a test of fear, which they had learned at their own cost during their first visit.
When they came face to face with the Thaumaturgists, Bandar exploited this feature to make them instinctively turn and get attacked. The M-Us were not idiots (they knew this part of the dungeon), but I ruled that their reflexes may overrule them - they rolled saving throws vs. petrifaction/paralysis (the most fitting category), and both failed.
That was an epic scene!
DeleteAre you allowing a save vs. sleep?
DeleteNo, I just rolled the 2d8 HD for 1st-levellers. It is debatable if we go by the spell description - it does not mention a save, but neither does Fireball!
DeleteIt might not be in each individual spell description, but text under the "Saving Throw Matrix" (M&M, p. 20), can lead to assume the general rule is that all effects under a save category, have a save unless otherwise stated.
Delete"Failure to make the total indicated above results in the weapon having full effect, i.e. you are turned to stone, take full damage from dragon's breath, etc. Scoring the total indicated above (or scoring higher) means the weapon has no effect
(death ray, polymorph, paralization, stone, or spell) or one-half effect (poison scoring one-half of the total possible hit damage and dragon's breath scoring one-half of its full damage). Wands of cold, fire balls, lightning, etc. and staves are treated as indicated, but saving throws being made result in one-half damage".
Of course, as in everything OD&D, it's left up to the DM to decide!
The "always affects" description of the sleep spell is what can lead one to think it has no save (forget Sup. I).
DeleteGood times, Gabor! Looking forward to hearing about further excursions :D
Excellent chronicle and the Sideways Level looks awesome!
ReplyDelete--Domains of the Faerie Princes
ReplyDeleteI think your map aesthetic is very strong, though you could indicate what the tone scale means (I assume height but there could be forest, or marsh there). A recommendation is to make the hex numbers grey or more translucent if you can, they don't need to be so strong. Anyway you randomization-fu is strong.
--The Sideways Level
A sideways level should not look like a horizontal level, right? You know that, even in a fantasy environment.
Usually, it shouldn't, and in most cases, it wouldn't. In this particular instance, it is what it is: a horizontal dungeon level flipped 90 degrees.
DeleteI mentioned it because I have never seen the 3d map problem solved efficiently (and I mean professionally), and the usual 2d maps feel unnaturally, unbelievably flat. So Jaquays 3d brilliance lies somewhere between the maps and descriptions.
DeleteWhat do the different grey values mean for --Domains of the Faerie Princes-- and if they represent altitude then how would you represent vegetation (wood-swamp).
So for example there are beautiful subtly graded contour maps where colour indicates height but these maps are not as useful as a Tolkien map where *impassability* is indicated with mountain symbols. A DM needs both but the player and the game table only ever need to see the second.
DeleteThey represent altitudes; swamps and forests are treated separately. It is more visible on the GM's map, which I have uploaded here: https://66.media.tumblr.com/e997d3bc818598ad2572c7a6ea6ade21/tumblr_pwtwxjioGC1xcdgeso1_1280.png (the host crunched the image a bit,losing some texture, but you get the idea)
DeleteVery good. Personally I think it is essential to give players a number of maps to scrutinize, to get their heads into the invented physical space, and the sensible way to do this is to reduce the information on them in the manner of the Wilderlands maps, as you have done.
DeleteI misread what you typed at first glance and had an idea. I read 'attitude' for 'altitude'. So I thought you had undetermined terrain abstracted as patterns, shapes that could be determined when the players arrive there. The idea is it would make it very quick for a DM to generate such an abstract map with plenty of time to resolve detail in play.
I recommend for aesthetic reasons you make the hex numbers light-mid grey. The numbers don't need to be legible in every single hex as they are easily inferred from surrounding or nearby numbers, and the map will look more pleasing.
DeleteOn the same note, Lake Laklala may have to go. Too strong Sorcery! feel for this campaign.
ReplyDeleteI ran today my first OD&D dungeon session! I drew quite a bit of stuff from Morthimion
ReplyDeleteCool! I'd be interested to learn more if your time permits.
DeleteLet me try to share it quick. 5 out of 6 players totally new to D&D. OD&D rules with some simple house rules and additions. Party turned out beign: Fighter, Archer (my version, inspired in Kard es Magia), Neutral Cleric, Magic-User, Necromancer (a sub class I'm working on, works like an illusionist sub-class would, but with their own spell list). Hireling rules from Dungeons & Companions. They hired like 8 heavy/lightfoot guys, 4 of which died. They hired a Thief that broke his neck and died falling into a 10' feet. I rolled everything in the open (my first time ever doing this). No PCs died, but I was easy on them, playing some Yetis really stupid or it was going to be a TPK.
DeletePlanned my dungeon with the scope of Morthimion, but it will have more levels. Also not limited to LLB, but I take stuff I like from all supplements + other additions. So far I created a first level and a second one. None of them fully complete, but luckily player's did not go to the unexistant areas.
Map layout follows Morthimion style, but is my own. Though I borrowed some sections and room shapes.
I'll post more later!
Second session yesterday! Having looks of fun. It's incredible what 2nd level characters can pull of in OD&D. Even if odds look overwhelming, they somehow manage to survive!